Observe, Learn, Act

To share and learn trading ideas on stocks, options, futures, warrants, forex, etc ... Mainly dedicated in analyzing Tech

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fake-Outs & "Kiss of Death" ...

All of the cases are bearish, and in most cases the 5-min MACD is either sloping negatively or it is below zero.  Often it is after a "Fake-Out", so should we have a wider stop-loss so that the "Fake-Out" does not fake us out?  It is probably not the best way, because it is not really predictable to know how far should the stop-loss be placed in ordered not to be a victim of the "Fake-Out".  What I might do is, let the regular stop-loss trigger if hit.  Then pay attention to see if the next move is back to the original direction and enter back if it is reversing down.


S Benard said...

Great charts! Happy trading! Make money!

Q4 said...

Thanks! I read your blog often too but I think comments are disabled.